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Monday, October 11, 2010


Tango is a world wide known Argentinian dance.

It started in early 1900's in the suburbs of Buenos Aires, in the ghetto areas.

The reason why tango is a dance that implies a lot of physical contact and sexy costume, is because Tango started as a technique used by protitutes to attract clients.

Back in those days protitutes only worked in brothels, where there was usually a band playing.

Both protitutes and men would sit at tables so everyone could see everyone and choose who they wanted to be with.

That way they would ask eachother to dance and fix a price.

In those times, immigration in Argentina was at its peak, and so French, Italians and Spaniards mixed their musical styles all together and Tango started.

Throughout Tango's popular period, Argentina wellcomed over 7 times more immigrants than its original population.

The first Tango lyrics were only about the ecomomic crisis and poverty, as it was underground music that reflected the low class life.

With time, Tango grew bigger and the lyrics developed into everyday life issues.

But Tango could never talk about anything else than sad things.

Tango lyrics are often about someone's departure or death, or someone's heart being broken.

Buenos Aires hosts the International Anual Tango Championship in wich people from all over the world compite on both stages of the contest:

"Traditional tango" (Tango salón)

and "Acrobatic Tango" (Tango exibición)

Lots of places in Argentina offer free tango classes as not many argentinians seem to show much interest for this dance.

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