The official religion in Argentina is Roman Apostolic Catholicism. The Constitution states that a non Roman Catholic person cannot be elected president.
(There have been cases of blatant candidates followers of other religions who have converted shortly before elections) Nevertheless, the growing religions in Argentina are the other different branches of Christianism such as Mormons, 7th Day Church, and others.
There is a huge modern movement taking part in many countries in the world, with its headquarters in Brazil (where it originated) called “Stop Suffering”, but they’re commonly referred to as “the church of the Brazilian priests”.
As incredible as it sounds, the “Stop Suffering” church is a non-stop growing phenomenon that owns TV and radio station all across the world, and builds the most luxurious “temples” with the latest technology and comfortable cinema seats for mass.
Still, the church can be very influential in Politics, and that’s the reason why abortion is not legal in any case in Argentina, and the “Day After” pill was only approved recently. Also, judges (who have unlimited power in Argentina) and many politicians tend to have strong Catholic beliefs which makes that influence even stronger.
This doesn’t mean they’re the only ones against this sort of laws. There is a huge part of society that doesn’t even tolerate gay people and call it a disease because “they’re not following God’s command”.
This can be ironic, since Buenos Aires is the only city in the world that has been chosen, twice in a row, the best Gay city in the world. (That statistic takes into account spots and things to do, not amount of gay people)
But then again, Argentina is a very segregated country, even though it’s only divided in two parts socially speaking. But this point is proved by the denominations we give to those parts: Buenos Aires and Interior which represents just “the whole rest of the country”.
Going back to religion, Christianism is something taken for granted in most cases, and it can even be something unconscious that people just do.
All the different stages, in a Christian’s life are celebrated just as another birthday in Argentina. Baptisms, communions and the rest, all include party, presents, family reunion, special clothes, and sometimes even renting a special place.
A typical thing to see in many houses in Argentina, are the pictures of the children of the house taking communion, hanging from the walls. And they’re generally never removed, even after those “kids” have got married.
The last two things to say about religion in Argentina are both connected to the same thing: People’s devotion in their own special way.
What most people tend to do in Argentina is choose a specific Saint or Virgin and become its “devoto”, a faithful servant. That’s the reason people don’t go to church, because as long as they pay obedience to their specific saint or Virgin they know they don’t need to do anything else.
The reasons for which to choose their Saint/Virgin are various, it can be the day of their birth being the day of that Saint, or even just the fact that they are devoted only to the Saint of whatever it is they need.
The most popular Saints and Virgins are: San Cayetano (Saint Patron of Work), Virgen Desatanudos (Virgen that unties knots, meaning that solves complicated times) and the Virgen of Luján (Virgen of Argentina).
Also, people tend to create Saints to be devoted to, from so called martyrs to urban legends to famous people that have died tragically, especially singers.
The ways in which people show their devotion to their Saint or Virgin go from home “rituals” (lighting a candle, have a little altar, decorative religious statues) to peregrinations across very long distances.
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